Meet Dr. Krystal Harris, DVM, MS, DACVIM Oncology


Dr. Harris has been working in veterinary medicine for over 25 years while being focused solely on Veterinary Oncology for 10+ years. She has also established Oncology services for privately-owned specialty hospitals in Phoenix, Seattle, Austin, and Round Rock. 

A note from Dr. Harris:

After stepping down from my full-time position in March 2023, the transition from a Speciality hospital to a Mobile Oncology practice has made it possible for me to provide the level of individual attention that each client deserves while allowing me the personal time I need for my other full-time job of being a wife and Momma to 2 boys, 2 dogs, and 2 cats.

Having your pet diagnosed with cancer is not the news any pet parent wants to receive. The emotions and unanswered questions after receiving a potential cancer diagnosis can leave you feeling overwhelmed and helpless.

My commitment to you is to give you my knowledge about your pet’s condition, in a way that you can understand, and be a continued resource for you throughout your loved one’s cancer journey. I want you to be confident and at peace with whichever decision you make on your pet’s behalf.

One of the most rewarding parts of my job is when a client tells me at the end of our first discussion how much better and more optimistic they feel about their pet's diagnosis.

A few things that set me apart…

  • I have pursued additional training and have spent many hours performing and interpreting abdominal ultrasounds. Most Oncologists rely on Internal Medicine specialists or Radiologists to perform this diagnostic. 

  • I utilize alternatives to traditional chemotherapy as much as possible. When chemotherapy is necessary, I always include supportive medications to give your pet the lowest risk of side effects possible. Alternative therapies commonly recommended include personalized therapy based on genetic changes in your pet’s tumor, metronomic therapy, supplements, vitamins, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

My goals for the next year….

  1. To complete additional training in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Nutrition 

  2. To expand mobile Oncology services to areas where Oncology services are not available

  3. Community events to provide Cancer screening for pets. An earlier diagnosis leads to a higher chance that curative treatment options will be possible.